Thursday, July 12, 2012

Witchcraft Posing as Fun Games of Fortune-telling

This is a set of “fortune-telling” kit surrendered to us by a family in Laguna on 2010 after a Deliverance prayer and a short catechism.

This kit is not just an ordinary set of indoor or family game. This was brought from Africa, containing African witchcraft ritual, animal bones, and stones. The game instructions include a step-by-step procedure on “How” and “When” to play it. The players should know the meaning of the objects’ appearance, colors, directions and positions. Among the promises of this witchcraft game are Romance & Fertility, Health and Prosperity. Anyone who engages in this kind may be infested by the evil curses and spells each item possesses. The family and children, deceived by this kind of game may sooner or later experience unexplained sickness and diseases, family trouble, accidents and violence. Members of the family may even start to feel tired in praying, or may even do away with praying totally, avoid hearing Masses, reading Holy Scriptures, and eventually abandoning their faith. Teens who are fascinated to this kind of games and rituals may soon experience lack of direction, obsession, depression, hallucination, diabolical oppression or worse, total demonic possession.

Cursed and occultic objects such as this must be voluntarily surrendered and renounced by the owners. Wrap them in cloth or paper that no other people may have a chance to touch it or read any (magical) words or prayers on it. A deliverance team must handle the object with great care as if handling objects with a very strong, harmful and deadly virus that kills people in an instant. With set of Deliverance prayers, the objects must be destroyed, burned and buried.

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