We recently encountered many sites that say they fight evil; yet they use occultic ways which are contrary to the teachings of the Catholic Church.
Be warned! These groups does not bring real healing and deliverance. Real healing and deliverance isn't just a healing of body or physical ailments. The Catholic Church looks more on the fruits of healing beyond physical healing. The healing of one's soul is of utmost importance. Does the person become closer to God and to the Church? Does he become faithful to the Law? Does he become more prayerful? Evidence of formation and transformation must be seen in the healing process.
Some sites call themselves paranormal investigators, spirit questors, psychics, etc. These are very rampant especially during feasts of All Saints' Day and All Souls' Day. They twist the meaning of these feasts to horror which they call halloween. These groups and their practices are evil.
One, because they are forbidden by the Church. The Catholic faithful are expected to display holiness in obedience. Disobedience is of satan. Disobedience is pride. And the author of pride is satan.
Two, because these groups lead the people away from the true teachings of the Church. They bring about confusion and curiosity to evil, which are two of the most effective tactics of the devil to infest people. They snatch people away from the Church. People who buy their false teachings and practices tend to put the Church behind their ordeal, deeming the Church unimportant. Of course they would not appear directly as such. But their beliefs, actions, words and practices would be enough proof that they operate independently from the Church. The Church whom Christ Himself built has the full and absolute authority over the enemies of souls.
One site posted their schedule of meeting to discuss their passion in occultism. Let's pray for these people that they may be freed from their bondage with evil. Warn your friends and relatives. Let's stand up for God and for His Church, the Catholic Church.
Saint Benedict, pray for us.
Saint Michael the archangel, pray for us.
Our Lady of Mount Carmel, pray for us.
Holy Trinity, One God, deliver us from evil. Amen.
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